Saltwater plant in Sump


I had a buddy tellimg me I should use a certain type of plant, looks like green hair, in my sump instead of bioballs. I think it begins with a K but I cant remember the exact name. Anyone know what I am talking about? What exactly is it? Is it better then bio balls? Thanks. B.


Cool, ty, I was reading posts and didnt know if it was chaeto or calepuria. Is he correct in that it repalces the bio balls? From what I am reading and I could be confused, it only effects the Nitrate leves and does not do anything to break down ammonia.
Seperate topic... I am assembling a 90 gal, its a huge step up from the 29 with a hang on filter and no skimmer. I am lookign to build a sump but am very very confused. What is the difference between a sump and a refeguem? (sp). And is there something different then a wet/dry?


Active Member
You are somewhat correct, chaeto can process some ammonia and nitrite but mainly uses nitrate for nutrients. Bioballs just provide a place for nitrifying bacteria to populate so no effect on nitrate just ammonia and nitrite processing.
A sump is simply a tank that provides more water volume to a system and a place to put equipment like skimmers and heaters.
A refugium is a place where you can grow macro algaes and other microfauna without predation from your tank inhabitants.
A wet/dry filter is a filter that is setup to super satertate water with oxygen to help promote the growth of aerobic bacteria to process ammonia and nitrite.
All three can be incorporated in a sump system but I have never seen the need for a wet/dry unless you are going to be heavily stocked or keep aggressive fish that are messy eaters.