saltwater plants


New Member
I have read several post about saltwater plants and micro algae ,if these ar good for your aquarium, where do you shop for these types of plants. thanks for the help


I got my Mangrove trees at
I ordered 5, but they only sent me 4. They said they would ship me the other one, but it has been a week, and I still have not received that plant.
But they are very resonably priced at $6 a piece and free shipping, so I really can't complain.
I bought my Caulerpa micro algae at my LFS.
I don't think there are any other options as far as plant life goes in salt water. Caulerpa is a managable algae that grows like a plant. And mangroves are plants that have the ability to filter out most of the salt from the water at thier roots.
Hey, if you order mangroves from then, tell them I'm waiting for my plant:D :D :D


Active Member
If you don't fully understand them yet, feel free to ask about them first before buying any. Some you may kill without knowledge of them, and some may devastate your tank.

tony detroit

Active Member
Any caulerpa's are easy.
Mangroves are too, but they grow big pretty quickly.
Halimenia my fish inhaled until I had none left.
Halimedia sucked my calcium levels down.
These are my experiences.
Spirulina will grow fast and easily. I would put all types of macro in your tank, IMO the more the better. I would stay away from the shaving brush and halimedia however if you are a newbie and/or you do not have powerful lighting. Kelp on rock is supposed to be pretty good as well, however I have never used any in my own experiences.
And from what I have heard, the "shaving brushes" require a rather good/clean/healthy system. If you are new you may want to stay away from those. Halimedia also requires a considerable amount of light, and good calcium levels. If your fish nip at it, like a yellow tang for example it is also prone to death from constant nipping

tony detroit

Active Member
As far as purchasing goes, try to buy as much as you can from for helping us by hosting this board. This board is so great. Worth more than any book I have purchased yet. Buy all you can from Contact them if they don't have listed what you are looking for.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by bigl21750
I have read several post about saltwater plants and micro algae ,if these ar good for your aquarium, where do you shop for these types of plants. thanks for the help

I only wish someone had emphasized plants/macro when i frist setup me 55g. I feel you are on the right track.
First of all there may be several hobbiests in your local area who are throwing away bunches of macros each month. Free is good.
Second SWF does have shaving brushes which are cool and they are hosting this board.
I ordered kelp like caulpera, tumble weed like gracilaria and lettuce like ulva from one source. All have done well. the Ulva is basically tang food and does not last long in my display. The Gracilaria is the second fav of the tang but did survive in the display. the caulpera is about half way between those in the display but really took off in a seperate macro algae culture tank.
I also have some turtle grass which is a real plant with roots and a circulation system. It has done well but no new blade have sprung up. It was also very expensive at $3.00 a blade plus shipping.
Caulpera has a problem with going sexual and creating a mess. It also is the fastest growing and most popular. I also am glad i set up another tank do preserve my investment in these plants/macros. If you do not have a sump/refugium setup then I recommend you grow these plants in another container and transfer to your display as needed or available.
If you need some links email me at