saltwater ponds


Active Member
My hubby and I have been tossing the idea around of setting up a pond in our yard. I jokingly said we should make it a salt water pond, then we could get a shark and post a warnng sign "attack shark". Then I started to wonder....has anyone set up a salt pond?????? and what would be the effects on the water because of the out elements of rain and such. I ofcourse would have set it up a month ago, but my hubby is still trying to get over the 35 gallon leak from my first tank. :happyfish


New Member
Seeing that you are in Minnesot I don't think you would be able to keep the water warm enough in the winter time to keep anything alive. Summer time could also be a problem depending on how large the pond is do to evaporation and salinty changes. Obviously the bigger the pond the slower the salinity would change. The best bet would be to have an automatic top off of some sort to keep the levels where they needed to be at all times. Deff easier to do the pond inside where you have more control over it.


Active Member
It's probably possible....I've read on the other forum that several people have done it, but they do live in warmer climates.....I also think that they aren't completely exposed to the elements such as rain and such......It's a possibility, but alot of homework would be involved.....Actually I think it would be quite hard in your area....


Originally Posted by hot883
One of my LFS has a grren house with a 500 gallon pond in it. It's awesome.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Winstew
yes, it has a pr. of clowns, a very large SAILFIN and a yellow tang in it.


Active Member
oooooohhhhh yeah money.......ah well ....... :thinking:
:thinking: ah well I'll get back to that........


The only thing that would be bad about a SW pond besides the cost would be that you can;t see anything in it. Unless of course you go swimming in it.


Active Member
Well the idea involved adding a window along our downstairs family room wall to get more light.....the my fish sense kicked in. A pond!!!!! :happyfish a pond that you could injoy inside and out. it would run the whole length of the wall............yeah, yeah....and with light you could view more at night, (I was drooling by this time) this would take several years of saving and planning but WOW! I would have to house the tenants inside durning the winter ofcourse....thats what the 3rd bedroom is for right?


I wonder how difficult it would be to convert a heated saltwater pool? The pumps and piping are already in place. You would probably have to upgrade the pump though. What does everyone think?


Thats probably the most effecive way but still a PITA Take the 20 grand and build a custom tank into a wall in your house where you can see it


Active Member
Hasn't there been threads on here of people taking an above the ground pool and converting it into a shark tank? My 12,000 gallon above ground actually makes chlorine through a process using salt in the water, so I do not think that seals would be an issue. i do not know.


Originally Posted by hot883
Hasn't there been threads on here of people taking an above the ground pool and converting it into a shark tank? My 12,000 gallon above ground actually makes chlorine through a process using salt in the water, so I do not think that seals would be an issue. i do not know.
Hey that's the ticket! I've even seen some Above-ground pools with windows in the side. Can you imagine the cost in just LR?