saltwater sucker fish?


My LFS recieved 5 saltwater sucker fish which look almost like fresh water placu sorrry about spelling. They were caught by a local Jetty was wondering if anyone has every seen or heard of these and has any info.I will post pick tomarrow he is giving me one to throw in my new refrugium.


Active Member
Hmmm, maybe clingfish? Not the same as plecos (not algae eaters that attach with their mouths).


They stated they are eatting flake food but they are attached to the glass and appear to be eatting the algea


I had one I caught off my dock here. For awhile I fed my tank mysis since I had pipes that loved it and the clingfish would come out and eat with gusto. Then after my last pipe went carpet surfing(who would have thunk it?) I never saw him again even though I fed the tank flake for the other fish. I dont think he ever ate flake and I never saw him. About a year later I got another fish which required a more special diet and again I added mysis and lo and behold the clingfish appeared. What he ate during that one year time frame beats the heck out of me, but he was definately bigger than the last time I saw him.