Saltwater tank beginner


New Member
I just started putting together my first saltwater tank tonight. Its 20 gallons and as of right now I have live sand, the salt mixed in the water, and the filter running. I was wondering what would be the next step to take and also what types of corals, plants, and fish i should start with. Any other advice would be great too, thanks!


Are you goint to use live rock? How about a skimmer? You will need to cycle your tank......JMO
Welcome to the boards


New Member
Yes, I am using live rock, I do not have a skimmer right now but would be willing to get one if it would be worth it.


get a test kit so you can monitor cycling, and TAKE YOUR TIME! you can spend a lot of money on this hobby if you are not careful...


what are you useing to check sg? Do you know how to cycle your tank? Any yes a good skimmer is imporant more so that a filter I think. I did not start with one, but once I got it my water was alot more clear and you should see all the stuff it takes out. I have a Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer.


New Member
No i do not exactly know how to cycle my tank, I have a friend that is going to help me out but is out of town right now, so any help would be great


Once you get every thing you want in the tank lr, ls, ph , filters,heaters, put a dead shrimp in the tank and leave it in until your ammo spikes then it will fall to 0 same with the trites, once they go back to 0 do a 20% water change then you can add 1-2 fish at a time then wait 4-5 weeks for the tank to get use to the fish then you can add some more. How ever while your tank is cycling you can do lots of research and reading on what fish and so forth you want to keep. make a list and post it to be sure what you pick will work for your tank and get along together. Could you list what equip you are useing and how much ls and lr you want to put in what about test kits? hydrometers, refractometers which are you useing?...HTH


In a 20g I would start with 1 fish, then wait a month for the second, you can get cleanup crew feather dusters and stuff to fill the time- in small tanks like your and mine--both 20g---timing is even more important and paitence is soooooo much of doing it right


Active Member
Originally Posted by glowplug
In a 20g I would start with 1 fish, then wait a month for the second, you can get cleanup crew feather dusters and stuff to fill the time- in small tanks like your and mine--both 20g---timing is even more important and paitence is soooooo much of doing it right
get a book also