member photos.....


Active Member
Here is the start to a photo gallery. Sorry if you were not included in this page.......this is just the start of it.
The plan is for folks to send me pics to be hosted on my site. I would love to have a good PHOTO ARCHIVE of members and thier tanks and such. Let me know if you think this is a good idea or what direction I should take it. Thanx guys and gals.
P.S. Thanx for the idea iceburger.


Hey Ryan,
nice job looks great now we need one of the higher up'' "Sharks" to make this a sticky called "See who u are talking too"


Active Member
hey rye. noticed you used frontpage.
if you didnt already know, you can make the blue outlines of the thumbs larger and smaller. it looks better smaller.
just go to the html and look at the image and change the img border "2" to "1"
sorry if this was useless info


Cool!! Xan you make it so they go more than one across so you don't have to scroll so far? Just an idea.
Graet work!!


Looks cool. Ill have to get you a better pic than that one. Its copyrighted. :D


Good Job. I thought about doing something like that, but also adding a section where you could list your tanks, lights, fish, inverts, etc. So, when someone asks the standard questions like "I have a 55 gallon tank, what is a good lighting combination", you could view everyone's tank by size and see what the other 55's have for lights, amount of fish, amount of live rock, pictures, etc.
Also, another section where you could do LFS reviews.
I got the skills to do it, but don't want to waste my time if there would be little or no interest.


;) That's cool Rye!!!
You keep it up I'll have you doing my other websites lol.:D
Thanks a bunch!!!


Active Member
Can I get you a better picture where I don't look like a sissy holding a cat? :rolleyes:
That was an old pic that I dug up. This one is my fiancee and I.
Thanks Rye! That is a cool idea!


Active Member
very quality rye, thats fantastic. a nice tribute to all the peeps on this board
btw, the "package" arrived "yesterday" and is fan"friggin"tastic!!
thanks a bunch man, i owe ya one!!!
good luck
Thank you Ryebread. Great Job! Certainly easier than scrolling through the 'Getting to know the people behind the posts' thread. What an attractive crowd!