's their corals???


Why is it everytime I look at the website 90% of all their corals say "Wish List." Every time! Don't these people stock ALL THE CORALS THEY ADVERTISE? When was the last time YOU say their website FULLY STOCKED?
I have gone elsewhere to get my livestock as I have been very dissapointed with what they have available. YES, they do a great job getting it to you, but you're so limited on what's available....except a nice picture of it...
Very dissapointed....


Active Member
They most likley are never FULLY stocked. Im guessing they get shippments in of not everything but whatever is mostly wanted. The Mods have nothing to do with this and it is up to Admin. Do you ever go into a LFS and they are fully stocked with everything?


NO, I do not. But I also do not see hundeds of pictures posted posted that say "Wish List" either. I never said the Mods here had anything to do with this and realize that ALL their corals aren't available....but I also don't remember when even half the stock they advertise WAS AVAILABLE.