SaltwaterKitty's 24g Nano Tank Diary!

Well, belated Happy Thanksgiving everyone ... I was out of town Wednesday thru Sunday but I'm back now.
So, levels have been staying at 0 ... things were great the whole time I was away so on Sunday afternoon, we went to the LFS and had them test the water and everything was good so ... I bought a royal gramma for my tank.
Now, taking into consideration both my family and the comments made here on how Lucky would react, I decided to "give him a chance" and see how things worked out although I was NOT happy with the possibility of putting a fish in with him and have him become agressive and abusive so after the acclimation, I watched very carefully ... and don't you know ... after a few minutes ...
the little effer started picking on him.

So, I didn't even play hide and seek with the lil brat ... I took out the rocks and my husband scooped him out ... it was done in 3 minutes flat! So, Lucky's luck ran the heck out ... he spent the night in a container and in the morning on Monday, he went off to ***** ...

So ... we named our Royal Gramma Frankie Blue Eyes ... and he is an awesome addition to the tank.
Gabi was NOT sad to see Lucky go after seeing how he was with Frankie Blue.

I will try to get a few pics of him but since everyone knows what a RG looks like, I guess there's no rush.


Active Member

Originally Posted by SaltWaterKitty
Well, belated Happy Thanksgiving
Now, taking into consideration both my family and the comments made here on how Lucky would react, I decided to "give him a chance" and see how things worked out although I was NOT happy with the possibility of putting a fish in with him and have him become agressive and abusive so after the acclimation, I watched very carefully ... and don't you know ... after a few minutes ...
the little effer started picking on him.

So, I didn't even play hide and seek with the lil brat ... I took out the rocks and my husband scooped him out ... it was done in 3 minutes flat! So, Lucky's luck ran the heck out ... he spent the night in a container and in the morning on Monday, he went off to *****

I hope the turkey day was a good one.

It's not funny but it is. Your last comment I quoted.
At least you knew how to go about it. No monkey buisness. It sreved its purpose for you though.
I hope the new fish goes well for you. Have we mentioned a QT tank for you yet? It is a real good idea. Now that Frankie Blue is in the tank, you don't want to risk infecting him with something from another addition. Just a thought.


Active Member
Hate to tell you but you may have gotten rid of one aggressive fish to replace it with another. A lot of hobbyists (not saying all here so don't come into the thread with all of your "my gramma is fine" statements) have had to get theirs out of the tank because of aggression. If this is to be your only fish then no problem, but if you plan to add others then putting it in first allows it to set up its territory and it will defend it.