Same old same old ich questions....


My chevron tang that I got a couple of weeks ago now has ich.....he was quarantined before I got him (I trust this LFS tremendously), but he now has it in my 200 gallon tank which has 300 lbs of LR in it, so the hopes of catching him are slim, I'm gonna try tomorrow. But, is it possible that since he's eating well, and otherwise acts good that he could beat this and that my other fish which I've had for years can fend it off? Any posts to help my decision as to try and catch him or not would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
If he is eating well, you have him on a nutritious and varied diet, and your water levels are ideal and stable, your fish should be fine and able to fight it off. All four things I made bold are very important though. Make sure you are doing all of them. Using vitamins (Zoe, Selcon, VitaChem), as well as garlic, will help a lot as well.
You might as well not try and catch him and stress him and your other fish. If you were to re-QT the chevron, you would have to do it to all of your fish since they could also possibly host ich.
If you are really concerned for your fish, go and get a neon goby or a pair of neon gobies. These guys are cheaply priced, excellent aquarium fish, and they will eat parasites off of your fish. I like these guys because they do not need parasites to live (like cleaner wrasses), and they will not stress your fish out with constant picking (like cleaner wrasses can do). Plus, unlike cleaner shrimp, these guys are more bold and can swim all over the tank.


I agree
Ick is a bad parasite but if the fish are kept healthy they can fight it off.
Always would be best to QT new arrivals (you cant argue with that) but if you are like alot of us out there who didnt QT everything (live rock, corals, fish etc etc...) you probably have ick in your system.
i use varied garlic soaked foods , a uv sterlizer to keep the free floating stage at bay to some extent, and as stable a tank as i can.


I agree, I think it's in my system. Humans all carry staph in our systems and we are normally able to fight it off, but under duress it can break out, I believe that is the same thing with our tanks. I'm going to pick up a couple of neon gobies today and probably look into a UV sterlizer.