Same old stock list thread


For my 29g tank (peaceful) I was thinking of having the following:
1x Cleaner Wrasse
1x Yellow Clown Goby
1x Leopard Wrasse(edit: not getting it)
1x 4-Wheel Drive Goby(2 Spot Goby)
1x Spotted Hawkfish(edit: too agressive-its out as well)
10x Hermit Crabs
Also I want some sort of normal fish that swims most of the time (clownfish possibly?)
Currently I don't plan on having any anemoneas or corals(at most a couple mushrooms). I would like to add a couple of worms howerever.
Can you guys plz give me the adult sizes of these fish and tell me what you think and if I can add some more to the list
Thanks :happyfish


Active Member
Cleaner wrasse will not survive in a 29. They feed off of parisites, and not very often take food. The lepord wrasse is too big for a 29, and at min should be in a 55. The hawkfish might work... i dont know about the size tank it needs, but it may end up eating some of your crabs.
The goby's are good. look into dottybacks or bassletts, but dont put more than 1 in a tank unless they are tank raised. false percs also make a good edition.


Alright, first off the cleaner wrasse. They need larger fish to eat parasites off which is not possible in a small tank. A yellow clown goby would work but they are so small that they would get lost. The leopard wrasse would be pushing it size wise and i dont know how exp. you are but they can be difficult to start feeding. The twin spot goby im not to sure about but im guessing you will need a small grained thick sand bed as with most gobies. The hawk would work, if your other few fish are around 3".
With that said you can probably do 4 fish in a 29g maybe 5 if you dont get the hawk. I would reccomend a pair of clowns and maybe a firefish.
As for the mushrooms and tube worms I dont know because i only do FOWLR and aggressive tanks. Hope that helps a little.


They can be a little aggressive towards small fish and inverts. And the cleaner wrasse will not be healthy eating a diet of only brine. If he is eating frozen brine then try some soaked mysis much healthier. Have you thought of a fish to replace the wrasse?


Active Member
agree that the brine is not healthy for him. Ive lost fish in the past due to this as well. try the misys.. you shouldnt have a problem.


I was thinking maybe an Orangeback Basslet or one of its relative. I want to find a peacful fish that stays to the middle or top levels of the tank. Any ideas?


I've seen them in lfs and they looked pretty nice, but I was told they were difficult to care for. Is that true?


Ive never owned one but from what ive heard on this forum they are really easy, they eat anything. i do know they are jumpers though so you have to have a cover of some sort.


Just looked them up and it says they eat finely chopped meats, prepared foods and algae growing on your rocks.


Jumping isn't a problem, I have a hood. One question though: will it swim or just hide and perch on sand and rocks?


Revised Fish List
1 Firefish Goby - 3"
1 Clown Goby - 2"
1 4-Wheel Drive Goby - 3"
1 Ocellaris Clown - "4
1 Cleaner Wrasse - "4
The Max sizes of the fish when added together = 16" for a 29 gallon
Also I don't know if my cleaner will make it because i haven't seen him for two days and hes not coming out to feed

So is this a good combo? Can I add anymore fish without overstocking the tank?


No that will about do it, if the wrasse is a no show you may be able to get 1 more small fish if you think you have enough rock, a mature tank and a strong filtration system.


Thanks for all the help :happyfish
Now that I got my fish list pretty much settled, I can start considering compatible inverts and mushrooms.
I only get 1.38 watts per gallon in a tank thats 16" tall. It also gets indirect lighting from my bedroom window. Can any mushrooms live in this?
I have a CC substrate and 10 hermit crabs. What else should be added to my cleaning crew?


Active Member
you shouldnt have a problem with shrooms.... but id prob stay with that. don't get into too many corals w/o u/g ur lights