scuba steveo
My Christmas present from my very wonderful wife is awesome. For the past year I have been trying to achieve a nice reef tank with an eclipse hood on a 37 gallon tank. I removed the eclipse lighting and added two 65 watt power compacts for the lighting but this was just not enough. Another huge drawback to the eclipse is that I could not add a protein skimmer. So for Christmas the eclipse went bye bye and my wife bought me an emperor filter, an Aqua C Remora protein Skimmer, and a Geisemann 150watt HQI metal halide light. She gave me everything a few weeks ago and it was all set up the same day. It has only been two weeks since the change but I can already notice a big change. Its jut awesome. I finally have a true reef. I am posting a few pics, I hope you enjoy.
I forgot to tell yall that I gave her a canon s400 digital camera for Christmas, which is very nice for me too. LOL
I forgot to tell yall that I gave her a canon s400 digital camera for Christmas, which is very nice for me too. LOL