They are the most wonderful thing you will ever use. What a great invention. You might be able to scare one up now in the halloween clearance sections. I have bought a few for next year. They are sold as a booklet with
carving tools attached to the front of it. The great thing is most children (not too young) can use them. There are different levels of skill. You tape the outline to the pumpkin and using the poking tool and following the dots on the outline. Take off the tape and outline and start carving with the little saws provided.
They are GREAT. They even have a new one for the little guys.
You use their outline and poke the holes. Then the child can use a hammer/mallet (provided) to hammer in these little plastic colored pieces. (there used to me a toy with these lights, can't remember the name). Then a battery operated light it provided to use as light. Very fun.....maybe they have a website for you to look at.