I am going to san antonio in two weeks and by then my tank is going to be ready for fish. I wanted to know if 2 false clowns would survie the 3 1/2hr drive and acclimation and how long should i acclimate for. :help:
They should make the trip just fine. I'd have them bagged seperately to minimize the chance of an ammonia spike in the water. Put the bags inside a styrofoam cooler and have it in the car with you (not in a trunk).
An alternate plan (and something I have done) is get a 10 gallon tank from wally world and a cheap power inverter from the automotive section. You can put the clowns in the tank with water from the LFS and run a small powerhead off the power inverter. It works great!! I moved 2 oscars 8 hours using this method and didn't have any problems at all. Another option would be to get a battery operated air pump to give you the essential gas exchange.
They ship from this website in bags for almost a day and i never lost one yet. One Texan to another just dont let them get hot.... I took my fish from a Houston LFS in Chilies for dinner. Sat them next to me in a cheap styrofam cooler. Tried to keep them at about 78 .
Good luck
I would be sure they use O2 in the bags and just keep them in a styro, keep temp stable.
You can actually make the pH go to high if you put an airstone in a small container.
I would just bag them, much easier.