sand bed


New Member
I have began to notice that there is alot of what i think is brown algea on my sand bed, i do have a cleaning crew but they are sticking to the rocks and not messing with the sand. Any ideas on how to get rid of it or what to put in the tank to get rid of it.


Active Member

Originally posted by ricky1863
how long has your tank been set up a brown algae bloom is normal for a new tank

This is true..... it's probably diatoms which will dissapear on it's own once the silicates in the water are used up. :D


New Member
thanks for the info, i appreciate it. I will try some of the mexican red leg crabs as well.


Active Member
Best bet on the sand is to get something that burrows in it like nassarius snails or a conch or something. Most stuff "if it dont burrow" will stick tot he rocks or glass if the algea is there.