Sand bed...


Active Member
varies from person to person. some say 1.5-2 inches others say 2-3. heck some people have more. id go no deeper than 3 though. deeper than that and you stir the sand can give ya some ammonia probs

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
General opinion is less than 2 inches or greater than 4 inches. No in between.
Is 4 ok?


Active Member
I think anaerobic bacteria probably starts to thrive in the botom of 3 inches of sand...
So ya, for a deep sand bed 4 inches is great. Remember, though, aragonite sand does dissolve over time, so you'll have to add sand as the years go by.
Also, for a deep sand bed to function properly to need to make sure you have plenty of micro critters in it, brisk current, strong skimming, no "dead" zones in current, no sand "sifters", etc.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
General opinion is less than 2 inches or greater than 4 inches. No in between.
It takes a long time to disolve. If your using a dsb you should add a few pounds of live sand every 6-12 months anyway. That should more than keep up with how much is disolving.