sand bed


New Member
The lfs in my area sells silica sand. Should I get this for my new setup? I like the fine stuff and this is all they have. The argonite is more like small pebbles rather than sand. They have the silica sand in a reef tank setup. What are your thoughts about the silica sand. It is dry also, not live.


Active Member
what brand are they carrying?? or aragonite?
if it is carib-sea, they make finer grains too, the arag you are talking about is actually cc(i think they changed the name, b/c the flack cc has been getting and arag is selling better, so newcomers go in and ask for arag and not knowing better walk out with arag but it is cc)
anyhow, ask your lfs to get you some special
oolitic is a good size(very fine) from carib sea
oh, and silica will work, just not quite the same as aragonite


New Member
I think the aragonite is carib-sea, but the silica I don't know. It is in a brown paper bag and I don't remember that it had a brand name on it.


Active Member
tthe silica is not from carib sea, my reaoning is, if the arag is carib sea, they could probably get a different grade for you if you want