Sand bed



Right now I have a 1in sand bed and i think it is a little thin. Some parts where the fish move the sand the glass is showing. How thick should i go and can i just add it to my sand that i have in there now. The sand in there now is the live sand that comes in a package I don't remeber what type it is. It is pretty fine. What should i add if any.
55gal set up for 4years
Rio 2500 in sump
2 maxi 900’s
75lbs of live rock
elegance coral
brown polyps
sponge brown
2 leathers
fan corals
4 damsels
2 tomato clown
1 perca in sump
1 hawk fish
1 Florida lobster 4in
1 pencil urcin
1 coral banded shrimp


you can add dry sand over the top of the live sand and the dry will become live. Just add it slowly and don't add more than 1/2" at a time as you don't want to kill off your live sand by burying it under the new dry sand. Add 1/2" wait 4-5 days then add more if you want until you get to the desired depth.


Active Member
i would reccommend going with a 4-6 inch dsb to reap the maximum benefits from its filtration !
adding the new sand would be just as hondo stated. a half inch at a time over the course of a week. something you can do to help the bacteria colonize the dead sand before adding it to your tank, as suggested by bang guy would be to put the sand in 5 gallon buckets filled with sw, and add several sprinklings of flakes to the water, these will break down and will ignite teh growth of bacteria whcih will coat the sand and prevent it from cloudign up when added to the tank, and it will also help in the colonization of your new sand by the denitrifying bacteria that is so important!
good luck