Sand bottom vs. bare bottom


About a year ago I remember some folks having debates over which is better. I have a sand bottom and it's been great for about two years. I now believe that the sand has become toxic and is killing my fish when it gets slightly mixed. Is there someone out there that uses a bare bottom reef tank? If so, what's your opinion? And how do you secure all of the live rock?


Bare bottem tanks are the way to go. As for how the rock stays in place just start stacking. The rock satys in place and does not move. Try to place some bigger pieces on the bottom with nice flat area. It might take you a little time to find rock but it will be well worth it.

100 guppi

NO WAY ! the sand helps your nitrates & it helps your fish to sift it
with a bare bottom the rocks can scratch it & cause leaks


Active Member
they use whats called starboard as a covering the bottom of the tank ....dont worry this will also get covered in coraline algea....... People with a BB tank generaly run very large fuges to do the job of the sand... It not as easy as it may seem ...your tank stability fluctuates and this causes many ppl to increase the use of additives which mess with the levels even more.... it can take years to straighten it out....


Active Member
Google = How about a Bare Bottom Photo Thread!
There is a nice picture thread of BB....


Thanks for the info everyone. I think I'll post another thread on how to fix my sand bed and then make a decision on which way to go.