Sand Cleaner?


Originally Posted by Snipe
A FYI. Astrea's fall over and will die if you dont right them. if ur recommending to pass on astrea then what would be a good substitution for them?


Active Member
Mexican turbos. Best snail I ever had never stops eating. Rocks and glass constantly.
On the astrea's I bought 11 and have 3 left. They fall over and other snails will eat them.


Active Member
Correct me if I am wrong, but mexican turbos do nothing for your sandbed? They will devour hair algae however. But specifically for your sand bed, I'd use Cerith and Nassarius snails.


Active Member
I have 1 Mexican Turbo in my 70 gallon. It knocks frags over. I hate it. But it does do a pretty good job on the glass. When it isn't sleeping. Which is most of the time. Unless it is busy knocking over frags.
If I were getting a crew for a 26 gallon tank, I'd get 3 Trochus snails, 6 Nassarius
snails and a dozen mixed hermits of whatever kind you like the looks of. Astraea
snails are ok too: when they occasionally fall off the glass and drown that just means your hermits have another home to choose from.


1X 50 Empty Hermit Crab Shells $7.99
1X Blueleg Hermits - Group of 10 $9.99
1X Scarlet Hermit Crab - Group of 10 $29.99
1X Coral Banded Shrimp $8.99
1X Nassarius Snail - Group of 10 $9.99
1X Brittle Star $7.49
1X Mexican Turbo Snail $3.59
Sub-Total: $78.0
ok i think im going to order this and along with it is running a special for 20 free astraea snails...what do you guys think?
...if they die no big deal... should i skip the mexican turbo for now b/c of the free snails and if they dont do the trick or they die then just get that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by roadrunner
...if they die no big deal...

REALLY? I think you are in the wrong hobby. :mad:


i have a 10 gallon with 10pounds LS, 1 damsel, 1 cin clown, anemone and 2 turbo snails what/how much should i get to clean the sand?


Originally Posted by fishmamma
REALLY? I think you are in the wrong hobby. :mad:

trust me i care...when ur tank crashes and 60$ worth of fish die you care...but this is a snail and in order to figure out what is a good combination i have to try certian things...if it works thats graet and if not then i have to figure something else out...
what do you think about what i posted above? does that sound good?


To answer Mermaiden add a couple or 4 hemit crabs in two days they have cleaned my 15 gal simular set up totally clean. also nas snails work good and are small have fun.


i was at my LFS and the lady there told me to get some blue leg hermits would that be good she said that i would need one per gallon (10 gal=10 crabs) that just seems like alot for my little tank


the list of snails I gave you clean the sand bed, glass, rocks, hair algae,red slime etc.......
nass snails burrow in the sandbed and come up when senses left over food,and airs the sand
cerith for sand bed and glass
margarita glass and rocks
mex turbos for the glass, rock, and everything else


Active Member
My mexican hasnt knocked a single frag over that isnt glued down. I would go with 1 or 2 mexicans like posted. But I would go with 20 or so nassarius snails. RoadRunner what is your email addy?