Originally Posted by
yeah i had a diamond goby and he didn't make it lol. and BTW I have a ton of empty shells for my crabs,they just attack the snails and dont' even take their shells
The shells may not be big enough, I've had the same problem. My hermits seem more intent on killing each other and my snails, than taking the shells. I've just come to accept it, and don't keep very many in my tank anymore, snails are cheap enough.
Your profile says that you also have a serpent star, so I think your CUC may be starving, as someone stated above. Feed them a little and see how that goes, but none of what you're listing currently are sand sifters anyways.
Try some nassarius and cerith snails. IMO, try another SMALL sand sifting goby, although I've seen people have bad luck with these if they're tank is less than a year old (especially diamonds). I don't recommend a sand sifting starfish, at least not right now. I have two, and swear by them, BUT, don't think it's the route you should go in this situation.