Sand cloudy


Ok I just removed my two damsels and live rock and switched from CC to Quickcrete playsand. 100 pounds and the tank is so cloudy that I don't dare put the fish back in.
Anyone know how long it will take to clear. I have my fish in a bucket with a power head and heater.
75 galllon


Active Member
It will take all night - but be happy - those damsels you have can go back into the tank in about two hours and should survive. The temp of the water needs to be stablized mostly.
these animals have lived with underwater sand storms for many generations. Mine survive three such mega storms without even losing their angry attitudes.
Just a quick comment - I would have left the CC on the bottom of the tank and just put the sand on top to help create an anerobic layer where nitrate eating bacteria could live.


I left some CC on the bottom cuz i got tired of scooping it out. lol.
I guess laziness pays of every now and then.
How about the live rock how long to wait for that???/


Active Member
You can add your fish and rock as soon as the temp and everything is normal. It will probally take a few days before it is clear. The cloudy water won't hurt anything