Sand Dirt



I wrote and got replies on the 16th but can't figure out how to go there so I am writing a new one. I asked how to add more sand without making a cloud burst or moving live rock.
My next question is : now that hte original sand is getting dirty now two weeks later, when I clean the glass the buildup falls on the sand.How do I clean it without siphoning off the sand?Should or would a sand sifter critter solve the problem?
I now have some turbos, blue leg crabs,and a choc chip star :rolleyes:


Active Member
addomg new snad top an existings sandbed is not very hard. make sure you rinse your new sand off thoroughly and then take the snd a cup at a time, and immerse it in the water, drop the cup all the way to the bottom, and then genty pour the sand out of the cup and voila! more sand! i would highly reccommend only addign like 4 or 5 pounds of new sand a week so you allow the exisitng live bacteria and stuff to recolonize the new sand!
as for cleanup crews, you should go by the one cleaner per gallon of water rule, therefore if you have a 55g tank, your gonna need about 55 clean up critters. these numbers can be any asortment of crabs, shrimp, snails, etc...i would go with more snaisl than hermits, and go with only scarlet hermits if you can!
anyhow good luck