sand discoloration getting darker


I've read a lot of people and threads here discussing sand discoloration and how its normal in a new tank, etc etc. The general description matched what my sand looked like. LOOKED like. Overnight it got so much darker and well its startin to look pretty nasty. I'm not sure if there's an issue, or if everything is ok or not. What I have in my tank is in my profile.
Ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5-10, pH 7.9-8.2 (varies thru the day), sg 1.025


Active Member
First I recommend a book, "Algae: A Problem Solver Guide" by: Julian Sprung
It could be three types of algae, all will die out if you are using RO/DI water, there are three limiting nutrients for these algae Phosphate, Nitrate, and Silicate. When you feed you add all three nutrients so feeding can keep the algae going, snails if added in the right number can keep the tank clear of the algae and looking nice. When you first start a tank there is lots of extra Nitrate, and Silicate and this drives the growth of the slime algae. If you don't add Phosphate, Nitrate, and Silicate the algae uses it all up and die back to a point you don't notice them and the tank looks nice again. Not to long after you get the tank clear of the algae say 1-2 years Phosphate starts to show up because of waste that builds up and the algae comes back.
If you use a cheap carbon check it to see if it leaches Phosphate .
If you are using tap water stop and use RO/DI or distilled water.
If you are feeding some animal see if you can change the amount or type of food to reduce the waste additions.
Light also drives the growth of some slime algae and you can reduce the amount to rid it, but I recommend you learn how to handle an algae bloom by controlling the waste, not the light...


hmmm didnt think about using the carbon filter.. its just laying around for 'emergency' use.... i was told not to run it constantly -- theories on how long it lasts.. the box says replace every month.. others say it only lasts 24 hours.. :confused: anyways, ill put that in and see what happens... ive cut down quantity of feedings and increased frequency (twice a day instead of once a day) to reduce waste in that sense... also, one side of the aquarium gets almost direct sunlight from the main window -- thinkin of puttin up background paper there...
thanks a lot for the help


Sunlight bad!!!! *does quick impression of a vampire* No, but seriously, the sunlight from the window is your enemy. You want to control the lighting into the tank with the lights you put on top and not the light coming in the window.
I only feed my fishes like every other day. Am I reading right that you are feeding yours two times every day? That is way to much.
And as far as activate carbon filters go, that one I think your will find many different schools of thought on. I run carbon filters in my tank 24/7. I change it out usually around once a month, but I run mine through my sump and buy it in bulk bags so its easy to do that way...


Originally Posted by kender http:///forum/thread/381533/sand-discoloration-getting-darker#post_3324776
Sunlight bad!!!! *does quick impression of a vampire* No, but seriously, the sunlight from the window is your enemy. You want to control the lighting into the tank with the lights you put on top and not the light coming in the window.
I only feed my fishes like every other day. Am I reading right that you are feeding yours two times every day? That is way to much.
And as far as activate carbon filters go, that one I think your will find many different schools of thought on. I run carbon filters in my tank 24/7. I change it out usually around once a month, but I run mine through my sump and buy it in bulk bags so its easy to do that way...

yea i was running my carbon 24/7 and then a bunch of 'forum' ppl told me that it prolly only lasts 24-48hrs... after that im runnin sh@# !!! sooo.. lol, for now its out, and i have filter floss (pillow case stuffin actualy).. but i want to put that carbon back in.. i dont think it only lasted 24-48hrs, i had it in there for 2 weeks and it was good!
I put up some background paper on the side of the tank thats gettin sunlight.. so lets see what happens after that... the other side doesnt get direct sunlight, but its not in the 'dark' either.. but there's no diatom/algae/cyano growin on that side.. its all on the problem side i mentioned..
and now im gonna have to start a new thread on feeding?! lol yea i feed twice a day.. .one of those frozen marine fusion cubes.. half in the morn, half at nite.. if i dont, they're jumpin out of the water lookin for it everytime i come around!