Sand for a DSB


I am moving my tank from one location to another and want to use this opportunity to increase my sand bed. I have a 50 gallon (18x18x36) with about 1 inch of sand. The tank is about 2 years old. I understand you can get sand from Lowes or Home Depot. What kind should I get and how much to get to 3 inches. Is three inches deep enough.
Id shoot for more like 4-6 inches... Kip or someone will chip in on the sand brands.. I believe it is old castle and southdown. Just make sure its 100% agaganite... Other play sands can contain too many contaminents, but Ive also heard of people using them as well if southdown isnt availible.
Not to bug in on your thread... but kip, would those cheap "unpure" play sands be ok in a FOWLR?? Other people say they use it, but not in reef? What do you think?


30# bag of CaribSea agaronite DSB $25.50 Gotta shop around I've seen it $15.00 more some places at lfs. This is in KC, Mo area of cource. A 20# bag of bacteria sand at lfs is also nice to have - about $31.00 I've also heard never use the silica based sands. I could never find the Castle or Southdown in my area. Good Hunting