sand for sandbed


I am currently setting up my latest tank for a reef, and I am confused about what type of aragonite sand should I use. Should I use a sugar grain consistency type (i.e. aragamax) or a larger grain of 1-7 mm in diameter (i.e. Seaflor special grade from Carib Sea)? Just want to make the right decission.

nm reef

Active Member
I may make your question more complicated...I prefer a mixture of both. My display has a combination of southdown(sugar size) and CaribSea seaflor grade...assorted grain sizes. I like the mix myself.:thinking:


white dolomite sand from home depot. Forget spending $30 for a 30lb bag.


I guess I am still looking for an answer. Is it best to use a sugar-fine sand or a larger particled sand (1.5 mm diameter) for a sand bed? I've heard the sugar-cane is the best but some say it can cause problems in causing consistant cloudiness even with the filters running.


Anyone have an answer? I know someone can tell me if I should use a sugar-fine sand (Carib Sea Aragamax) or a 1-1.5 mm size sand (Carib Sea special). There has to be a good answer out there.


New Member
Bump....I am wondering too. Sugar sized or slightly larger? I would go with the sugar sized but I don't want a sand storm. Suggestions?


Active Member
As long as your powerheads aren't pointing at the sandbed you wont have a sandstorm no matter the size. Here is a picture of mine... layered look for me.


i used play sand for my tank but it turn out to be to fine. sandstorm!!!!!!!!!! i was placing rocks in there and the sand got kicked up. so i ended up buy ls and placing it on top. so much for saving money!!lol so anyway my friends tank started to leak and i sold him a 55 and he used the quick-crete i think fine grain and it turned out ok. the only problem is its darker than mine, if thats a problem. well mine was 60 bucks and his was 3 bucks, so i guess its not a problem. its still a little finer than mine. but looks good.


no i dont think so. its used to mix ur own concrete. its just sand. my friend used it ,he just moved his tank so its only be running for about a month with no problems. the fish love it, he had cc. and the watchman loves this sand.


I used the Quickrete sand, I really like the small grain size. Here is a you can see my conch and cucumber love it!
Also, Nessarious snails love the Quickrete, I think its easy for them to burrow in it.


cc becomes a problem in the future w/ detrites wich causes nitrates. my tank is 3 years old and the cc is full of waste i am in the process of changeing out to sand. if you go with cc you only want 1/2" of it sand you can go deeper.
i have seen that play sand is not the stuff your looking for take som of the stuff your looking at buying and mix it with some viniger if it fisses then its the stuff you want if no fiss then wrong stuff and move on i think the fissing identifies if it has calcium in the granes. you need it for a reef tank for health of the corals and i think the fish as well.


From what I understand, as long as you are doing regular water changes, the Salt mix (I use Oceanic) should replenish your trace elements and maintain proper calcium levels.


the other thing about that type of sand is it could make a phosphate problem. for the $ spent on the tank, imo its just not worth the risk to put something in the tank that can cause more work. their is enough work as it is, instead of creating more


Active Member
A few questions first
What kind of sandbed are we talking about Shallow up to 2 inch just for looks or a Deep sandbed for biological filtration.
Is your tank Acrylic.
Are you going to keep sand shifting animals such as Gobies, Wrasses, Starsfish, Jawfish, ect.
Do you have a refugium.
Most people put a lot of thoght in to substate like what will it look like and how much does it cost?