does it differ from folks buying and using sand such as Southdown or old castle. It surely was not packaged or intended to be used for aquarium use, and it too contains all sort of unknow junk as well.........I may be skeptical of collecting sand or ussing the water that is in and around a sewer discharge or storm drain area, but there is lots of beach areas that are just fine....Since most of the USA beach sand is not aragonite, its non absorbant in nature since its non porous, so it can be cleaned very easily.......but I have never found that to be a need with at least the sand I gathered in out area. If local critters lived and thrived in it without any problems then there should not be any problems with using it in non local type tanks as well, I think it really depends on where your at for the most part. Silica based sands can easily be washed in H2SO4, or chlorox etc and sterilized........rinsed and heated in an over or spread out and allowed to set in the sun for a few days, and its going to be just fine. Do you really think they check water quality etc with all those LFS bags of sand they sell, odds are they do not. Her ein the gulf coat you can go 10 miles out or so and still only be in 60 or 70 feet of water well within any scuba cert, but its just not needed, if a little common sense is used if you use stuff close to shore or off the beach area, that is if its actually legal in your area to take the sand. In most states its against the law........