Sand in a 10 gallon?


Oh, wow. That low. I was thinking maybe like 1.5" but I believe anything that comes out of your mouth. Your amazining with salt water.

bang guy

The problem is that a 10 gallon doesn't have a big enough footprint IMO. It can't keep the diversity of sand bed critters needed to keep a DSB healthy long term. The 1/2" sand bed has all the benefits of a DSB except for denitrification. Luckily it's easy to do monthly 50% water changes in a 10 to remove excess Nitrate.
A DSB in a nano would work if you swapped out the sand every 6 months or so but that seems like a really big hassle to me.


were can you find the "oldcastle playsand" I hear it is a good sand to use for your sand. What should I look for in a sand and not in a sand?


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The perfect sand is very fine but has varying sizes of grains. The grains are round, not jagged.
bang guy, is perfect sand a brand name?Or are you just saying that. Is the sand that they sell at ***** any good? They sell it in 3 sizes. I believe it is called "Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Reef Substrate" I bought the smallest grain size that they had and about 10lbs. Is 10lbs enough for a 14gal or should I bump it up to 20lbs total.
Last question, what is DSB? I know that your not suppose to stirr the sand in an aquarium because it can cause the tank to cycle because of the nitrates that are hidden underneath each sand grain. So my question is, if i put 20lbs of sand in my 14gal, would I need to take the sand out after couple of years? Because I know you mentioned, you need to take out all the sand after 6months. I didnt understand what you meant by that. Please clarify. Thanks


hmm after a long thought, i am guessing DSB means deep sand bed.. i feel like an idiot now. So basically its better to keep the sand bed not so deep on a nano so that the nitrate buildup can be taken care of by a water change, whereas if it was a deep sandbed, it would be difficult.