Sand in a QT? Hypo questions...


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Not sure. I don't know the purpose of the 48 hour drop. It's either to prevent stress or reduce it at least OR to knock the ich off. It's possible that ich has acclimated to 1.010 and the reduction to 1.009 may not be sufficient if the ich has adjusted. Keep this up or seek out Beth or sepulatan.
Yeah, I thought that it was to have as quick of an impact without causing too much stress to the fish, but I could be wrong. From all the reading it seems that ich can't survive at 1.009 but I would be happy with some confirmation from Beth or sepulatian as well.


Originally Posted by m0nk
Yeah, I thought that it was to have as quick of an impact without causing too much stress to the fish, but I could be wrong. From all the reading it seems that ich can't survive at 1.009 but I would be happy with some confirmation from Beth or sepulatian as well.
You are correct - Beth and Sep have both posted this type of thread a number of times. The ich will die off at 1.009 but it is not instantaneous, having substrate in the qt allows a place for the ich spores to develop which will then be killed off. stick with the program - you'll be fine. remember the "fine line" Sep mentioned... ich can not survive below 1.009 but it is very unhealthy for the fish if it drops below that. How are they all doing at this point?


Active Member
Thanks, I'll just have to make sure my refractometer is calibrated every couple times I use it going forward and restart the 3 week count once I see the spots go away again.
The fish are all doing good, though the larger clown has been getting a little aggressive, but I stepped their feeding back up to every day instead of every other day. Hopefully that will help a bit.