Sand is bad?


My friends was starting a new 50 gallen tank, and when we went to our lfs, the guy there was real rude, and acted like we were idoits. My friend told him he was planing on getting a dsb, and lfs guy said that you can only get live sand if you have a platiem (not sure how to spell it) filter. If not, it would jsut kill all the fish. On this board, i have never heard talk about this type of filter or what ever it is. Was the lfs guy wrong? If he is next time i go back there im gonna tell him!


yes he was wrong, dsb do not kill fish and you dont need to make it a plenum. i have a 4-5" dsb and a fuge with 4-6"dsb and my tank has never done better.


Active Member
Essentially a plenum is a "gap'. The idea with a plenum is to create a shelf upon which most of your tank rides. Below the plenum is an area which can become anerobic (void of oxygen). In that void anerobic bacteria convert nitrates to nitrogen gas thereby completing the cycle. A dsb does the exact thing, only more closely following natures way.
The lfs probably means well but is a bit out of date.