sand issues


ok i have a 55 with live rock and live sand but my sand keeps getting a layer about a 1/2 inch thick that gets kinda crunchy or like its getting hardened. So I keep going in and kinda stiring it around to keep it from getting hard. Is there some kind of critter that i can get to do this stirring action for me ?


Active Member
Do you know what kind of sand it is? Seems strange that it would get that hard. Depending on the grain size Nassarius and Cerith snails both dig into the sand and keep it clean.


what about a star fish ?? will that help or will that mess up my reef ? the guy at the lfs said it might help but i want some other opinions on that one.
thanks for any input


Active Member
Originally Posted by jeffro63
what about a star fish ?? will that help or will that mess up my reef ? the guy at the lfs said it might help but i want some other opinions on that one.
thanks for any input
Depends what type of starfish. Some of them are sensitive and have short lifespans in the home aquarium, and green brittles will eat your coral. You'd be better off with the snails.

scopus tang

Active Member
Some fish, such as a diamond watchmen will also perform this job. Don't know if you could add one to your tank or not
Snails are definately the best - super tongins are a larger version of the nassarius, and they work well IMO.


Active Member
Quick couple of questions.....What are you levels??? Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and Phos, Ca and Alk? What are you dosing? In Feb FAMA magazine Bob Goemans article in sandmail address some what of what your describing.......


ph 8.1
amonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5
phos 0
ca 475
alk 6.2
sg 1.025
temp 78
In Feb FAMA magazine Bob Goemans article in sandmail address some what of what your describing.......
FAMA magazine ???? what is this ?