Sand/Liverock Question


Active Member
everytime my sand stiurs up form either my powerheads or my stingray :mad: it settles after about 20 minutes, but when it settles it settles ontop of my liverock?? is this bad?? what kind of problems can it pose??


Active Member
What size tank do you have? A stingray needs a huge tank to live comfortably. The live sand won't really hurt the live rock other than maybe inhibiting coraline growth where the sand covers the rock. I'd be way more worried about the stingray, which isn't suitable for any home aquarium in my opinion.


Active Member
a stingray that only gets 21 inches in width isnt suitable for the home aquarium?? if you want to get into this argument with me no fish is therfore suitable for the home aquarium they should all be left in the ocean! and ONCE AGAIN i build my own tanks, he is in a 205 gallon now which will house him for at least 2 years, regardless im building my 500 soon enough. And no im not another person who says "im upgrading soon i sware" 1. money isnt an issue 2. especially when a 500 gallon tank will only cost me 800 bucks to build! and 3. beleive me there are 3-4 stingrays that are very suitable for the home aquarium. Also did you ever keep any aggressive fish? did you ever reasearch stingrays? or do you just go to the aquarium and see gigantic Bat ray's or spiny butterfly rays?? (basically rays that get to be 9 feet across their disc) if you think thats what i have in my tank your wrong! but if you would like to ask more questions or give me arrogent unwated opinions as if i dont know what im doing your more than welcome too.

BTW thank you for actually answering my question after you flamed me!


i dont think Mud meant to flame you here. he responded to you post and asked a question while stating his opinion. Most rays probably are not suitable for you avg joe's aquarium and given the limited information he had he made a good post. and tried to help. good luck i quess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pallan
i dont think Mud meant to flame you here. he responded to you post and asked a question while stating his opinion. Most rays probably are not suitable for you avg joe's aquarium and given the limited information he had he made a good post. and tried to help. good luck i quess.



Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I'd be way more worried about the stingray, which isn't suitable for any home aquarium in my opinion.
This is unnecessary. He wasn't asking for a hypocritical and condescending comment like this. Mud... I hope you don't have any wild caught fish in your tank.


Active Member
psu, I have a GSM that loves to move my sand to its liking and with the flow manages to get on my rock and corals. If it gets to bad I will take a small power head and as gently as possible blow off the rock. Not only does it clean off the sand but does a pretty good job of keeping the rock free of waste products. Theres a lot of stuff that gets trapped in all the nooks and crannies of the rock. I would imagine with the plan for your tank and the amount of waste produced that this may be nessasary maintenance.
Just a thought. No flames involved!
Hey Mad whats up.


Active Member
I would use a turkey baster or powerhead to blow the sand off. I would only worry if the sand was landing on some corals or something.
As for the arguements, when someone says "in my opinion", that is what you should take it as. On this forum people have posted help threads of "OMG, my singray is dieing in my 75 gallon tank" there was no way for mud to know that you have your bases covered unlike so many before you that have had (key word "had") a ray in their aquarium. I happened to read another thread where I knew about your tank plans so didn't ask like mud did. Anyway, I wouldn't take it as personally as you have about his comment.


Active Member
i'm sorry no harm was meant. BUT before i post with the whole IMO or yo better upgrade,, etc. etc. all i do is click on their name and read some of their previous posts so i know a little something about the person in question. it takes like 5 minutes and then you can say "hey i read some of your previous posts and IMO things don't look good, so let me try to help you" now that's how a situation should be approached.
So if mud were to read my thread on "new stingray" i not only supplied plenty of pictures, but the species and genus name and the "common name" as well. He would be able to look the animal up and see that they can most definitely be housed in a 180 gallon aquarium. i have a 205, i also, as most people know, build my own tanks, which means i can upgrade tomorrow if need be without a problem. So with taking everything into consideration there's no need for comments like that.
i apologize for anything i said that MUD thought was rude, i was trying to inform as well as get my point across
on another note, thanks Tim and Mr. bill i have some really small , weak power heads that i will be able to blow the sands off with!! I'm also thinking of throwing about another 50-100 pounds of some heavier sand on top of my sand that i have now, since it is EXTREMELY fine..