sand or cc


Active Member
SAND. southdown (old name) new castle (new name) is the cheapest and the same stuff the LFS sells. (unless it's live sand)


I would not use cc alone, but i prefer using mostly live sand (about 3/4) and then mixing it with a really fine crushed coral which helps add calcium slowly to the tank and is apealing and more relistic looking than just sand....alos if u end up putting cc in ur tank make sure to wash it before adding it cause it really clouds ur tank if not washed (I made this mistake on my first tank)


Active Member
Definitely use sand, get real fine sugar size grains of sand. CC not only looks bad IMO, but it just traps the waste and causes a nitrate problem in you tank.


Active Member
It depends on if you want a DSB or a shallow sand bed. Do some searches on DSB, I personally like them, I typically have 0 nitrates in my tank and I believe the DSB has a big part in this.
do a search for a sandbed calculator and you should be able to figure out how much sand you need.