sand question for newbie...


New Member
hi again.....i forgot to ask in my previous post if Aragamax Grand Bahama Sand is a good type to go with? I read alot of negative preferences againts crushed coral....and it sounds like its just creates more hassle, so i want to make sure i am getting something simple, yet effective...thanx again!


Active Member
As long as its low in silicates and made for reef tanks it should be fine, but you may also want to find a local reefer and ask to have a cup or 2 of their sand to seed your sand


New Member
well this is the info i found for the description:
Aragamax Grand Bahama Sand:0.2-1.2mm majority grain size, but with additional bits of reef sand and small shells to recreate the Carribean reef "Rubble Zone". The larger bits of aragonite not only add color and texture, but allow burrowing organisms to buttress their tunnels and prevent collapse.

so this is for fish this not necessary, is something better? i am looking for some sand that is not plain, i thought the shells made it more interesting...any suggestions on a beneficial, but "pretty" sand? (i like pink fiji sand, but it never really looks pink in the tank....)