sand question now plz =)



I am getting my sand ready to put in the water today...was told to rinse it off befor putting it in.
What does this mean? you add water you sand you get mud....then what?
can someone please walk me through this.


Right now I am getting my salt water ready to put in the tank.
Will be putting the sand in right ater it..I have 3 bags of 30lbs "Caribsea" aragonite sand. No LS....the guy at the LFS said to get that tank set up...fill it with water...get al my pumps tweked just right....put the sand in...then come back up there and he would give me a cup of LS to seed. But I got to the sand part and put about half a bag in a rubbermaid bucket and put some water in (stupid me) do i rinse mud off?
Sorry this is a new tank as well...did I answer any of your questions?


Active Member
If you choose you can rinse it, some people dont at the milky white stuff is just the very fine sand particles and can be beneficial to the tank once bacteria colonates and settles. Might i suggest to add the sand before putting in the water. Add the sand and get it the way you want it, then cover it with a large garbage bag or just put a dinner plate in there and slowly pour the water on the plate so that you do not disturb the sand. If you add the water first your tank will be cloudy for a week or more and you will be posting (help my tank is cloudy)
Welcome and good luck


Haha i have seen that post too many times...Thats seems like the smart idea Sand first then water...seeing how it is not LS...just sand...but the LFS insisted that it be water first.
Since someone else other then me is useing common sense I do not feel bad...will just dump sand in and add water as I go.
Thanx reefer.
C-crest OUT!


That is the key...but alot cheaper to seed it is what I have been told...but the cheaper dead Sand then put a bit of the LS on it...and over time it will al be LS with all kinds of critters in it.