I am finally setting up a 72G bow front tank after slowly accumulating the equipment for it. I had bought about 100# of Aragamax sugar size sand about a year ago and had it sitting in the garage for the tank set up (that was supposed to also happen a year ago). I noticed that when I pulled it out today that it had a pale green color on the sand on the outside edges of the bag. I assume from some sort of mold or algea growth while it was in the bag from the moisture that was in the sand. Should I be concerned about this or can I just add it to the tank as-is? This is a new tank setup so there are no fish in it yet. I am in the process of adding this sand for a DSB and then will be adding RO/DI water over the next day to begin the cycle (once I get the RO/DI installed).
Thanks in advance. Dave
Thanks in advance. Dave