sand settling


Ive just added about 80 lbs of sugar sized live sand to my new 75 gal tank. how long does it take for the sand to settle? This sand is a little lighter that i usually get but i want to get a sand sifting goby and they require the small sized sand. I added the sand last night around 8 or so. its been about 12 hours. my tanks have usually cleared up before this. is there anything i can add to help the tank clear up?
I had gotten about 50 lbs of live rock to start the cycle so i added it to the tank so it would stay alive. I still cant see into the tank to actually arrange the rocks and i woudl like to get that done.


So this is a new tank set up? If so, it'll take a few days to really be "clear". It's been awhile, but I think after I did this to my tank it took a good day or so before I could even make out the shapes of the live rock. To help it settle, if you have powerheads and skimmer going, shut them off for a bit. The less water movement you have, the quicker it'll settle.


yea this is tank mumber 3. im officially addicted i already have a 75 gal FOWLR and a 20 gal reef. this will be a 75 gal reef. but this one will take a while to get going i had some money so i figured id get it going and have the cycle start so when i have money available (after tax returns) i would be able to start adding livestock.
the only thing i have running is my sump return pump (kind of necessary) and the venturi pump for the skimmer in the sump. i would turn the skimmer off but a ton of organics came with the live sand and its creating sludge like crazy and i kind of want to get that out of the tank.