Sand sifter star fish


Hello everyone, I was at the lfs and they had a sandsifter star fish. Does anyone have one of these? I have always liked star fish, but I do not know much about them. I would love to get him if it would work in my tank.
I have 125
1 Naso Tang 3 1/2 in
1 Ocean Tang 5 in
1 Dragon Wrass 4 in
1 Falme Hawk
1 Maroon stripped clown
1 Maroon Gold stripe
1 Blue Damsel
5 Green Chomis
1 Manderine
5 Feather Dusters
1 Sally Light foot crab
1 Emerald Crab
Snails and Hermit Crabs
170 lb of lr
150 lb of ls
VHO & MH lights
I think that is it. What do you think?


Staff member
For the most part, starfish are fine for hobby tanks, but a few species can be hazzardous.
What kind of starfish is it?


They told me it was a sandsifter. he is on display in their reef tank.
Do I need to do anything speciall for them. So far what I read is that as long as your water is is excellent condition they wiil feed of the lr and be fine. I just don't want him to eat of my fish or lr.


Hi Shel! I recently got one and he hangs out just under the sand. Every once in a while he pops out and moves a few inches, but that's it. When I got him, he was up on their glass, but so far he stays in the sand.
Hope you enjoy yours.
Hi Shel, Ive had a Sandsifter for a few months now and it seems to do just fine in our tank. The only thing is because its a sand sifter you wont see it much (unless mine is just being shy :rolleyes :) Good luck
with yours........


I went ahead bought the sandsifter starfish. It is real active. It has been all over the front of the tank, when it rest it gets in the sand. Last night it finally discovered the back of the tank.
What is this that it will destroy ls. I would think that since it is a sandsifter, it would need ls. Help, I don't want my ls destroyed. :confused: