Sand Sifter?


Anybody have any ideas for something other than a diamond goby to sift sand? I have lost 2 of those now (1 jumped through 1/2 inch eggcrate, 1 decided to explore the powerhead), and I want to try something else. Was thinking a conch, or another fish. I have a 30 gal tall.
Thanks for your ideas.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Nassarius Snail, Cerith Snail, Sand Sifting Sea Star, Sea Cucumber – Atlantic. To name a few will help turn over your sand do some research on these and see if any are applicable to your tank


I have about 5 nassarius and 8 cerith snails. I thought stars were too small for my tank. Think the snails will be enough?


Originally Posted by pthoma79
Anybody have any ideas for something other than a diamond goby to sift sand?
I use my algae scraper. I just stick it in and twist. Every day.
At first the water got all cloudy, not any more.


Sand Sifting Sea Star
Are you kidding? Seriously. They strip the entire sand bed then die of starvation. That is not a good choice for any tank other than very large ones.
What sized tank do you have and what is your sand depth.


I figured as much...seemed like a silly thing to do, and would completely destroy the DSB. I've got about 5-6 nass, 8 cerith and 2 turbos. I also have about 8-10 hermits. What else would you suggest? A conch, maybe?


Originally Posted by pthoma79
Thats another thing. I get some detrius building up behind my rocks. Is that normal?
Sometimes. Point a power head behind the rocks to kick it up. I bought a Tiger Cowrie. He does a great job but it looks like a guinea pig left droppings in there sometimes! He must be getting enough to eat


I have regular nassarius snails and then I went to my lfs and they sold me some they called super nassarius snails. I have tried to do a little research on them and I think they are a Tongan species. They are much larger then the regular nassarius snails and have a bright white foot with a white tube that sticks out of the sand and they do an amazing job of cleaning our sandbed in our 55 gallon and our 36 gallon mantis shrimp tank. I have had to buy a few more as some have come up missing in the peacock's tank, but they are worth the money I paid for them and I really recommend them if you can find some.


Originally Posted by jawdubb
I have regular nassarius snails and then I went to my lfs and they sold me some they called super nassarius snails. I have tried to do a little research on them and I think they are a Tongan species. They are much larger then the regular nassarius snails and have a bright white foot with a white tube that sticks out of the sand and they do an amazing job of cleaning our sandbed in our 55 gallon and our 36 gallon mantis shrimp tank. I have had to buy a few more as some have come up missing in the peacock's tank, but they are worth the money I paid for them and I really recommend them if you can find some.
Does they look like this? They are great cleaners of glass, rock, and sand. They are, indeed, called super nassarius snails and are Tonga.


I have a horseshoe crab...didn't buy it...came with a tank I purchased. Anyway, it does a great job of stirring my sand. I know that they can get quite large, but in the year I have had it I have not seen any increase in size. Really neat crab imo.


Originally Posted by pthoma79
lfs is kinda limited....too bad shipping is so much from this site.
It is no different from other sites. They have free shipping if you spend a certain amount. This site has the same thing. Handling fees are on every site.


Originally Posted by pthoma79
lfs is kinda limited....too bad shipping is so much from this site.
Naw, it's not the shipping's the milk, groceries in general, gas, rent, electric, water....everything goes up but the pay. That shipping cost is on the low end of the scale. It is pretty standard and most times then not I find it is still cheaper in comparison to the LFS, especially if you buy mulitple items and divide that shipping cost out, then it is not high at all


Originally Posted by usirchchris
Naw, it's not the shipping's the milk, groceries in general, gas, rent, electric, water....everything goes up but the pay. That shipping cost is on the low end of the scale. It is pretty standard and most times then not I find it is still cheaper in comparison to the LFS, especially if you buy mulitple items and divide that shipping cost out, then it is not high at all
I very much agree here. How far do you have to drive to find a great LFS that will guarantee their goods? How much is that in gas? The stock here is top notch and guaranteed.