sand sifting crab?


Does anyone have any experince with sand sifting crabs?
can anyone give me some info on them? I was looking at them and was thinking about getting one but thought i should get some info first.


Active Member
I dont guess I have ever heard of them can you post a pic? Most sand sifting stuff is alright but some you have to watch or they will eat all the good things in the sand bed.


Active Member
I've had them years ago, but they didn't last long--- it was a newbie mistake. Some got caught up in low positioned PH's, the others just popped up dead on the sandbed. They wont eat anything from the sandbed, they are filter feeders. If you tank is ready for inverts and you are supplementing for filter feeders then you could be ok. You wont see them alot--they dive (literally) into the sandbed within seconds and throw up their "feeders" every once and awhile. See what others say, I have limited experience on them.


cool anyone else with info on them? how about tank size or anything like that rocks? we have them here in NJ but i dont think they would last in my tank cause they are in cold water? am i wrong?
thanks alot