Sand sifting gobies...


I bought two watchmen gobies the other day. I love the look and what they do, but I certainly didn't realize they show you just how much crap is in the sand. My tank when from crystal clear to looking like a sand storm is in my tank at all times. In fact, it's so bad that of my 4 t5s, I only run two because with the 4 it's really noticeable.
I considered taking them out, but there's no way I will remove all my rocks to catch them. My tank is drilled with a 1.5" bulkhead on each corner, so it's not pulling out too much debris.
I am thinking a quick fix to this is buy like a fluval 105 or something that can start assisting from the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Any luck? Did you find a solution yet?
Watchmans / shrimp gobies / pistol shrimp do stir up a lot of sand. Maybe eventually they will settle down?


Yeppers...a sand sifter will deplete your sandbed of microfauna in pretty short order. They "sift" pretty much all day looking for food, so if you consider how much (or how little, I should say) open substrate you have in a 'scaped 100 gal, it's not very much at all. Unless the sifter you acquire is eating prepared foods, or you can get it weaned onto them, the fish is doomed to a slow starvation.