Sand Sifting Goby


Where can I find one?Is there another name for them?I need a good sand sifter,any other ideas? :happyfish


I am pretty new to this myself so I don't know if you want my opinion, but, here it is anywho. I have a diamond goby that is a great sand sifter. He is white with orange diamonds on him. He moves my sand around everywhere! He has rearranged my tank.


Try the 4 spot goby or aka 4-wheel drive goby...had them on my old 30g (should be bought in pairs) they do an amazing job actually tryin to find them again.... :happyfish


toughest and the most long living gobies I have ever seen or had is a dragon/sleeper goby...not the prettiest, but sure is a work horse! a mated pair cleaned up my 300g with 400lbs of LS and 500 lbs of LR's during my gyno outbreak after my cycle in about 6 to 8 days...AND...since the tank is spotless...they are living off of pellets and all the left over food I give to the fish...the best part! $10 a piece!


Active Member
i think the diamond watchmen gobies are the best, but i also have had a tiger and he was pretty good until he jumped out of the tank over night. found him in the morning, he looked like a striped frechfry

if you ever see one called an orange marked or orange stripped goby DO NOT GET IT. THEY ARE HORRIBLE.
what size tank you have because they will also determine the one you need.
and also GTIGUY the 4 wheel drive goby is called a 2 spot not 4. im getting one of these for my 29 so im not sure about them now. i have the orange marked goby in that tank now and he does ----. hes thin as a rail.


thats my fault yea the 2 spot they are actually pretty amazing to watch as they eat the sand and sift it out of there gills, the ones i had were great until i introduced my first tang and than one of them got intimidated and wouldnt sift anywhere near the tangs swimming area....


Active Member
how big of a tank did you have them in?
because im thinking of getting one for my 29 gallon tank and i have a 2" flame angel and a 2" yellow tang which i guess may scare it, but i also have a pair of ocellaris clowns, a blenny, 3 green chromis, and another goby which is going to die really soon because it doesnt eat.