Sand sifting star being picked on... literally


Just got a SSS yesterday. 125g w/DSB. Tank is one year old. I know I'll get flamed for buying one but I like to try things for myself. Question is a two parter... 1) The star hasn't moved since I put it in. It buried itself where I placed it. This morning it was still partially buried. Is this normal at first? 2) My peppermint shrimp seem to either love it or hate it. Just about everytime I look, there is a PS on it "picking at it". Is this normal? Thanks in advance...

al mc

Active Member
No flaming here......I would move him/her to see if it will again try to bury itself. If it has died or is in the process then it will disintegrate fairly quickly.
Sand sifting stars will bury themselves during the day. They love to come out at night. So I would watch for it then. As for the shrimp picking at it, that's not a good sign...peppermint shirmp usually will pick at something that's dead or dying...I'm sorry. Now sometimes they will clean them off...but they shouldn't be hanging around him the whole entire time, so not a good sign.


Still hasn't moved (I don't think) been about 2 days. Peppermint shrimp not as curious now. I don't want to move or touch it to find out if it's alive (don't want to stress it out even more). Should these stars start moving right away or is it normal for it to take a while?
Well, my sand sifting star is over a year old...he's been known to stay in the same spot for days. Just watch your nitrate and don't let it get over 20. They don't like it...I hope that he's just fine...How deep is your sand?


Looks like he moved a little (maybe 1/2"). Drip acclimated for 3+ hours. Sand bed is about 4" deep.


woa, that looks nothign like my sand sifter.. do you happen to knwo what species this is?
Alright, Tacks. Ignore my posts...i have another thread on this star eating snails and such...I have everyone telling me that he's not a sand sifting star. I thought he was. I have to believe the others, because everyone says that he's not like what they have, just like nuro above. Sorry...and thanks everyone for help.


Yeah "Sally".... I was going to point out that mine looks nothing like yours but someone else beat me to it.


Active Member
Any indication of animals like shrimp, hermits or crabs picking at it is a sign that it is stressed and in trouble. I would watch it closely. What are your SPECIFIC tank parameters? remember what is "perfect" for fish can be fatal for these animals.


Should have added to this post instead of creating a new one.
PH - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - <10
Salinity - 1.023 (not with refractometer... will get one soon)
Alkalinity - 9.8 dKh
Calcium - 315mg/L
Phosphate - 0.4mg/L
Drip acclimated for 3+ hours. Sorry for going against the majority which advised against this animal. Won't happen again.