Sand sifting thing for nano 12



i have a nano 12, im only going to put in a small # of fish, but i know that for the cleanup a creature (fish or invertebrate) that moves the sand around is essential, whats a good, easy to obtain creature that will move my sand around.


Active Member
there is a real small sand sifting goby called two spot goby. the goby's move the sand the best. but its a give take relationship. i have one and its really not bad. he just moves the sand places i don't want it and i think he knows it.


diamond watchman goby is also a great candidate. I prefer to actually let mine move the sand where it wants it. i still have to screw with his choice every now and then though.


this might be pushing it but can i have 2 percs and a small goby in my 14g? i also plan on getting a cleaner shrimp and some sexy shrimp in there as well.


I have pretty good luck with the tiny nassarius shrimp stirring my sand and they don't add to the bio-load nearly as much as a fish will. Then again they probably arn't as exciting as a fish.


Active Member
I have 5 nassarius snails that sift my sand I love them they are really cool. Especially when you can see them moving under the sand with their little snorkel looking eye sticking up.


New Member
horseshoe crabs are really great, mine is always under the sand movin the sand around...just one would do the trick


Active Member
Originally Posted by mtroup884
horseshoe crabs are really great, mine is always under the sand movin the sand around...just one would do the trick

But get way too big for small tanks.