Sand Trade

pc fisher

I just back from the Keys Sunday and I have about 20 lbs of sand I don't need. I someone is close by they have have it. I would hate for this live sand to die before it can bu used. I was just planning on letting it dry out and storing it. I live in Panama City, FL.



Originally posted by PC Fisher
I just back from the Keys Sunday and I have about 20 lbs of sand I don't need. I someone is close by they have have it. I would hate for this live sand to die before it can bu used. I was just planning on letting it dry out and storing it. I live in Panama City, FL.

Can I have it I'm not close but I could pay for shipping.
Let Me know


hmmm, you are very trusting by trading sand, i wouldnt, you dont know what medications you use and also if the ph or salinity is different from the tank you got the sand from is different then the bacteria on sand will probably die anyway according to a book i have. i think the risks out do the benefits on this...



Originally posted by PC Fisher
IC Fish it's on it's way.

I got the sand today, Thanks.
Hey it cost more than you said it would, Do you want me to send you the difference?


Okay, thanks it looks real good. I got it in a 65 gallon holding tank with some about 10 lbs of sand from my tank and 10lbs from H.D. right now.


did you guys ever do this trade?
I'm the one that organized the coast to coast sandtrade with about 65 contributors from 30 states this year and about 50 last year. I'd love to get you guys on the list for the next one. The hope is to step it up to 200 traders..
Just use the dot com under my name to get on the list.