

Originally Posted by Andrew1113
How do i stir up my sand and clean it?
Strirring up the sand in a saltwater aquarium is not a good thing to do actually. If you stir up the sand it will release all of the trapped gases it is holding. If you happen to have any corals and it gets the stuff stirred up from the sand directly blown to it that can kill them.
The best thing to do to keep the sand in a cleaner state is to have a good amount of a cleanup crew. Like hermit crabs, snails, shrimp and such.


I was always told when youre cycling your tank, and you get the brown algae to turn the sand, and keep turning it til it goes away.
But then again the people who have said this probably asume theres nothing in the tank yet since its still cycling.


Active Member
Agree with clean up crew.
Just make sure you maintain your crew. Over time some usually die off or get killed. Make sure you replace them. I didn't and a year later when a power head fell in my sand I had a major crash from spikes. My lesson learned. ALWAYS KEEP FULLY STOCKED CLEAN UP CREW.


Active Member
Don't stir up the other have said, it will cause more problems that it will solve. Depending on tank size/age/inhabitants, you may want to consider a sand sifting starfish and a bunch of nassarius snails, as they like to bury themselves in the sand.


Active Member
I would skip the star. They tend to eat the good funa and then starve to death. Go with a good variety of snails:Certhiums, Nassarius, conch maybe, cleanner clams,cleaner shrimp, emeral crab, and later brittle or serpent star. If you want some hermits. If your tank is large enough then later a gobie the sifts.