Sandman/Asbury. Need to ask you a question


Active Member
Jeff as in Jeff's exoticfish has Vanisi, Kaleni (sp?) Fiji, Marshall Island, Tonga, and Vanuatu (sp?, I think that is what he calls some of it) The Kaleni and some of the others stuff can sometimes be just Tonga rock, its a long story.
I have bought and seen a lot of rock at Jeff's I've been there the day he gets it in and I can tell you its pretty crazy. I've seen him get in like 100 boxes and only bring 3 or 4 out for the walkin customers.
I like Jeff a lot, I've known him for about 6 years now, I always make it a point to drag him out from the back room and say Hi when I visit his store. I don't like the rock we see nowdays at any of the store. Its mostly either deep water rock or stuff that's been laying around for week's waiting to get shipped. We just don't see the life we did way back when.


all live rock is good.... i think you should be askin if it comes loaded with coraline, and hitchhikin coral!


Active Member
I wouldn't say "all live rock is good" because some of its not. The Vanuatu that I have seen at Jeff's is very nice. I would rank it up there with the MI rock.