Sandsifting Goby???


I am looking for a good looking sandsifting goby. I was sold a yellow watchman and come to find out he doesn't do sand. I am wanting to go out and get another goby but I also want to be informed as to what my options are. If anyone knows what kind of gobies would be sand sifters and maybe even any pics please post up!!! Thanks!


Active Member
generally speaking you should not have 2 gobies together. You should take the YWG back to the store and get a diamondback goby


yeah that is what I was thinking also. But what would be the best way to transport him. I don't have any of the plastic back they use? and what kind of goby should I get? I have seen the diamond goby. I want a little more color but I will settle for the diamond goby if that is my best choice. Thanks for the input!


Active Member
You could get a sailfin blenny I believe they are sand sifters as well and they have much more color. You could put him in a ziplock bag if its a pretty good size. Just make sure he has air and the water stays pretty warm.


Not sure if this is a complete list, but these are the ones I have seen listed as sand sifters.
Of course a lot will depend on what's available in your area.
Diamond Watchman Goby
(Valenciennea puellaris)
Two Spot Goby
(Signigobius biocellatus)
Tiger Watchman Goby
(Valenciennea wardii)
Sleeper Gold Head Goby
(Valenciennea strigata)
Sleeper Banded Goby
(Amblygobius phalaena)
Engineer Goby
(Pholidichthys leucotaenia)
Sleeper Blue Dot Goby
(Valenciennea sexguttata)
Orangemarked Goby
(Amblygobius decussatus)
Sleeper Railway Glider Goby
(Valenciennae helsdingeni)
Sleeper Striped Goby
(Valenciennae longipinnis)

I have a sleeper gold head goby and he is a very active sifter. Had a huge sandstorm with cloudy water for the first couple weeks after getting him. I also have an orangemarked goby in another tank. So far not nearly as active as the gold head and no sandstorm either, but he has just really gotten comfortable in the tank within the last 3 or 4 days.
As far as mixing gobies, I had heard about that. I have a court jester goby in the same tank as the orange marked goby and they haven't had any problems yet. But it has just been a week so that may change.


Active Member
We have a diamond goby and a yellow watchman. We didn't think it would work, but now they are sharing the same burrow!