Sargassum Anglerfish


Active Member
My LFS got some of these in and gave me one. Have him segregated in my hawk tank using a tank divider. Want to make sure I can get him to eat consisently before I let him "play" with others.
Just thought I'd share and I'll update as we progress. An awesome fish!
They are a very neat fish !! But they can be a real challenge to get to eat.
I would not feed him live food unless there is no other way to get him to eat. From my own experience with anglers once they start eating live food they become a threat to your other fish in the tank. These guys have big mouths, so they can take a larger fish than most would expect. Keep us posted, and good luck !! :)


Active Member
Thanks for the advice snakes. That's the current plan. Day 1 and offered krill on a stick. Even tried to dangle it in front of his lure and move back and forth like a fish. I got him to at least look at it but no strike.
Not sure what I'll try tomorrow. But a live fish will be the last resort.


Active Member
Tried frozen krill yesterday on a stick and no response.
Today I thought I'd get some live grass shrimp to see how he'd do. As soon as they hit the water he started stalking. Then "bam!" he hit them. Was taking two at a time.
Don't know if I made a mistake but that's the update.
Next time when you feed him, put a couple grass shrimp in and let him take them. Then skewer one and see if he will take it. If he does then offer a small piece of krill or squid. This way you can condition him to it and he may take off from there.
I have heard that you can use a small net to feed them, but I am not sure how this works.
I don't see it as a bad thing, your feeding him and that is going to keep him healthy. Also try a little garlic, never hurts to keep tring :)


Active Member
Ah, the old "bait and switch". Pun intended. I'll try that. The grass shrimp doesn't cost that much. I'm just concerned about a balanced diet.