Sargassum Trigger, How much?


I found a sargassum trigger about 3.5-4.0 inches at a local store for $125, is that a fair price or is that too much? How much do they usually run? Also saw a blue jaw trigger about the same size for $69, is that a fair price?


Active Member
Just a touch high on both, those are adult prices here, though obviously that varies by location. If they look healthy, it's a good buy


it generally depends on the store.i have seen sargassums for 200 bucks and ive seen then for 100. but in general that is a good price for a sargassum as for the blue jaw you are able to get them as cheap as like 30 bucks.but it also has to do with what the wholesaler prices the certain fish at.also with the availibility of the fish itself.also some fish stores can base it on how healthy they are.but yes those are good prices


That's how much I paid for my sargassum trigger and he was about that size.


Thanks for the replies, I think I'm gonna get both of them... Do you think they will be fine togther in a 210 gallon with a niger, dwarf lion, volitan lion, koran angel, naso tang and yellow tang?


Active Member
Originally Posted by trigger702
Thanks for the replies, I think I'm gonna get both of them... Do you think they will be fine togther in a 210 gallon with a niger, dwarf lion, volitan lion, koran angel, naso tang and yellow tang?
Yea, in that sized tank, at the current sizes they are, they should get along, but in all honestly, I would say for the sake of variety, get another type of trigger, a Pinktail or Black Durgeon perhaps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trigger702
I thought pinktail triggers are aggressive and would go after my lion fish..
I personally would rank Pinktails on the bottom half of different trigger's aggressiveness. Sure, not the same as Sargassums and Blue Jaws, but I see more of an issue with your Niger then a Pinktail in regards to your lion. I would perhaps skip on a Black Durgeon then, they're a bit more medium-tempered then Pinktails, even though they're in the same family. If you're up for experimenting, I would say there's a good chance the Pinktail and lion would work together.


Sargassum and Blue Jaw are pretty much identical fish, except for some slight color difference. Same family and if you get 2 males they will fight. Not to the death since they're not overly agressive but one will pick on the other. I agree with AquaKnight, I would get one or the other, then get a pinktail or some other trigger from a different family.