Sarting my saltwater tank


New Member
hi im getting into saltwater tank, ive have a 125gal and ive been into fresh water for 3 years so i know my way around a tank. ive done alot of reading on this site and others. here is my question. what are the diffrent types of set ups? i see reef is a good way to go but i like to see fish also i want alot of rock work. if you guys can give me some input it will really help. thanks alot.


Active Member
There are LOTS of ways of doing tanks, but the most common are:
FO-Fish Only
FOWLR-Fish Only With Live Rock
Reef- has a good deal of inverts and live rock, also may have fish, but usually in lower numbers than in a FOWLR, or a FO
Lagoon- has plants, live rock, inverts and fish
Planted- plants, very little to no live rock, may have inverts and fish
There are tons of variations for each of these types, and all of these have pros and cons.


New Member
this is what i want , i want a lion fish but i want rocks too i want coral but it looks like i cant have coral with a lion fish. i would like to see pictures of tanks diffrent stlyes and why you perfer some over others thanks.


Active Member
FO-good for fish that need a good deal of swimming room without the rock.
FOWLR-good for fish that need lots of live rock, or for people that can't afford, or are not interested in a reef tank
Reef-pretty, but can be expensive than the other types
Lagoon-can keep plants, and some corals benefit from this type of tank.
planted- can be a very natural tank for fish like seahorses and pipefish, and also great for fish that need lots of swimming room, becasue it proveds the swimming room while giving the owner something to look at besides the fish (i.e. the plants)


New Member
good info thanks guys, i would like to know what are good filters and skimmers for a 125L
dont worry about price i want to know what is the best pumps and i have powerheads from my freash water days. so im looking at is 125 lb of live right let me know if im on the right track


New Member
see thats a good question let me tell you what i want. i want rockwork so i can fish i like corl but not if its going to keep me from having more fish. i want to go with fish that are not going to eat each other some tame. does this help or do you need more info from me?


Active Member
then you shoudl probably go with a reef, as long as you have adequate filtration it shouldn't cut down on the number of fish you can have much...or at all. You will need lighting and other equipment depending on what kind of coral you want.